Offering Counselling and Psychotherapy Services in Nelson & near Motueka
Kia ora, my name is Henriette Politano and I offer a range of counselling and psychotherapy services to residents throughout Nelson, Motueka and the surrounding areas.
I offer psychotherapy, counselling, relationship therapy, Somatic Experiencing®, Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy and iRest Yoga Nidra® for both individuals and couples. I practice from Nelson, Motueka and Mapua – in easy reach of Stoke, Richmond, Upper Moutere, Golden Bay and Marlborough.
I also offer private residential therapy retreats in a wonderful waterfront setting on the Waimea Inlet near Mapua.
I am a Registered ACC Sensitive Claims Psychotherapist and Counsellor for childhood and other sexual abuse and provide counselling and psychotherapy for all types of sexual abuse. In most instances ACC pays for counselling and psychotherapy for people who have been affected by sexual violence at any time of life. These sessions are completely free for the client. I can lodge the relevant forms for you and help you navigating the ACC process. It is really easy and client friendly.
I provide EAP counselling through OCP.
As a certified counsellor I can help you complete the necessary applications for the WINZ Disability Allowance for Counselling.
I provide counselling and psychotherapy for people struggling with self-esteem, body image and eating disorders. I also work with clients dealing with pornography and similar addictions. I practice from both central Nelson and near Motueka.
I also offer private residential therapy retreats in a wonderful waterfront setting on the Waimea Inlet near Mapua.
Henriette Politano
Registered Psychotherapist and Counsellor in Nelson and Mapua near Motueka. Certified Imago Relationship Therapist. Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP).

Registered with Psychotherapy Board of Aotearoa New Zealand (PBANZ)
Member of: New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists (NZAP), New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC), Hakomi Australia, Somatic Experiencing ®, I-Rest Yoga Nidra ® (Level 1, Teacher in Training, working towards certification)
ACC sensitive claims counselling and therapy provider in Nelson, Mapua and Motueka area.
Additional languages: German, Italian, French, Spanish
Prior to moving to the Nelson – Richmond – Motueka area in 2018, Counselling-Therapy has for ten years been my private psychotherapy and counselling practice in Northland.
A range of counselling services
Most clients come to see me for help with life changes; personal growth; a search of greater fulfilment; unresolved childhood issues; loss and grief; eating disorders; depression; post-traumatic stress disorder; body image and self-esteem problems; sexual addiction; pornography addiction; stress; sexual abuse or other trauma.
I have worked with hundreds of different clients many of who have suffered intensely. I have enjoyed seeing how people can change their lives for the better and become more fulfilled and live with more peace and ease. I have undergone my own personal therapy and through this experienced a great enrichment of life.
I offer counselling and psychotherapy services in Nelson and near Motueka
I offer anger management counselling, anxiety therapy and depression counselling to residents in Nelson, Motueka and the surrounding areas, helping clients to gain more control of their lives.
As a registered ACC Sensitive claims psychotherapist, I also provide compassionate, understanding, and professional sexual abuse and childhood sexual abuse counselling to help survivors learn how to cope with the emotional trauma and stress associated with what has happened to them.
About Me
During my “first adult life” I pursued an industrial career and worked as an Export Director. This involved extensive international travel to build partnerships and to mentor associates.
During my “second adult life” I chose personal freedom and spent six years circumnavigating on a yacht which ultimately brought me to New Zealand. I learned to know and love Pacific Island cultures, values and ways of life. Now, in my “third adult life” I am as passionate about empowering my clients as I have been about anything I have done previously.

The Gatehouse, on Bronte Road East, near Mapua – convenient for Richmond, Upper Moutere, Motueka and Golden Bay.

In Nelson I practice from the BNZ Building, 226 Trafalgar Street, Nelson.
What is Hakomi Psychotherapy?
Hakomi, a gentle, mindful and life affirming therapy.
Hakomi is a gentle, respectful and highly effective form of therapy which includes body, mind and spirit. Hakomi provides a compassionate, non-judgemental and healing environment for self-discovery and offers gentle but powerful ways within which to explore the unconscious and unknown core beliefs which influence the way you manage life, relationships with others and yourself.
Hakomi brings together psychotherapy, cutting edge brain science, spirituality and philosophy. It is a form of guided self-study which allows you to observe how old memories and experiences have shaped your beliefs, feelings, expectations and thereby continue to influence your present way of being. This new awareness allows you to step outside of such automatic ways of being and acting and creates the possibility for greater freedom, choice and new ways of being.
Hakomi respects your inner wisdom, engages your curiosity and brings about natural change.

Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Therapy, the path back to connection
Somatic Experiencing ® is a potent psychobiological method for resolving trauma symptoms and relieving chronic stress. It resets the nervous system, restores inner balance, enhances resilience to stress, and increases people’s vitality, equanimity and capacity to actively engage in life.
Developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine, a pioneering researcher and practitioner of trauma healing, author of Waking the Tiger, “trauma is about loss of connection – to ourselves, to our bodies, to our families, to others, and to the world around us."
Discovering an always present underlying peace of mind
The best way of describing it is in the words of the iRest website.
“iRest Yoga Nidra is based on ancient yogic teachings, but made accessible for modern day life. It is designed to bring the healing benefits of yogic and meditative practices to a wide variety of people. iRest can be practiced by anyone, regardless of whether you are a lifelong meditator or if you have never tried meditation before.
Using iRest, people learn to welcome life as it is happening and to respond – not react – to challenging situations.
iRest can work to alleviate stress, help us sleep better, and heal unresolved issues and traumas. It can also allow us recognize an underlying peace of mind that is always present within us – no matter what circumstances we are facing in life.“

Getting started with Henriette Politano, Psychotherapist
Should you wish to explore counselling further we will then arrange a meeting in my all-inclusive practice in Nelson or near Mapua. This will afford you a chance to talk freely about your situation and your feelings in a calm, comfortable, confidential setting and you will be able to explore how counselling and therapy can help you before deciding to continue.
You do not need to be referred by your GP.